Now that I am finally digging this.......

I realize it is almost over. CRAP !!!!
I absolutely LOVED discovering I was pregnant. We had some miscarriages and so I was a little nervous this time, but I felt pretty confident that this one would be ok. We made the decision to eliminate a HUGE stressor ( AKA- my job) in my life and that really made a difference--I am also incredibly happy which is an added benefit. I am seeking out new roads and realizing dreams--it is FANTASTIC !!
       So --you would think that I had birds hanging around my head whistling a tune-----not exactly. I did NOT love the body changes--I cried the first time I could not button my pants.
I work my ass off for , ass. I was not looking forward to an extra 30 lbs or a stretch mark for Pete's sake. I even cried at the Dr until she told me I was normal and would not be a bad mom just because I did not love  or want to put on weight.
       As luck would have it, working out so much helped. my weight did not come on fast and to date no stretch marks, BUT as so many people insist on telling me, I still have a way to go ( note to folks--don't tell me I still have a way to go implying it still has time to get worse--sheesh).  As a matter of fact, for the first 6 months a lot of people could not tell I was pregnant, they just thought I had been putting on weight.......nice.

        Fast forward to now. I have really enjoyed my growing belly the last month. I find myself looking at myself in the mirror in different stages of dress appreciating my shape, still no stretch marks and the life I have inside. I almost completely forget about the constant state of heart burn. I feel beautiful, blessed and love the connection I have already with my baby. I love waiting for the kicks and how the biscuit moves around every time daddy talks.
        Now I have any where from 4 - 7 weeks left. That range in and of itself is crap--they should say you are pregnant 10 - 10 1/2 months , 9 is a lie. I am increasingly unable to move as quick or sleep as well and I am TIRED. I am also realizing that soon I will have to give birth. It will be scary, painful and my beautiful belly that may at that point get some stretch marks will now be like a deflated balloon hanging around my waste, still keeping me from buttoning my pants, no one will pay me any mind or notice that I have had no sleep or a shower for days--everything will be about the biscuit !!
        The point's almost over. I am getting a touch of melancholy knowing that soon this will all be over. Don't get me wrong--I am so excited to meet my baby, but right now I know where it is all day long, I don't have to change any diapers and the only thing I get up in the middle of the night for is to pee--sometimes twice. Let's face it, right now it is all about me !!!
          For every bit of heart burn or for the turning point where  I was never able to sleep thru the night without at least one potty break----I will miss you. This is an amazing time ---it doesn't get any better than this.........until the day I get my pants buttoned again.


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