it's the final countdown.....
Someone sent that Europe video to the Mr this week and I now I can't get it out of my head--I guess it is pretty accurate. We are days away, next Tuesday to be exact, from being responsible for another human being---what the hell were we thinking????? That is a heck of a commitment , certainly the longest relationship either one of us have ever been in.
With the exception of a couple of outfits I want to dress the biscuit in, I don't have anything planned. I have no idea what life will be like. I haven't thought about the routine, the first time I will go to the store by myself kid in tow, how I am going to ever get my nails painted or if I will ever make the bed again. That's probably my biggest concern--how dirty will the house get , will it smell like diapers and will I know it smells like diapers ??? Someone please tell me if the house , or me for that matter, starts to smell of poo.
We have a couple of names, but we aren't really sold on a girl's name yet. I swear if they would let me leave with a certificate that let me fill it in later, I would do it. I don't really know what I want to call it for sure. What if I pick a name and then hate it later ? What if I pick a name just to meet some jackass with the same name and now it makes me angry ? I am leaning towards "Biscuit" --I think the baby is used to that by now anyway. Kids also don't come to you really knowing any thing --you have to "teach" them --WHAT ????!!!!!!! ---I'm gonna have to show this kid how to "Google" and FAST. Google is awesome--it is a huge reason why I am so smart and well-read.
All in all this is hands down the most amazing experience of my life. I highly recommend it and hope that my old ass holds up long enough to do it one more time. I really tried to talk myself into feeling like I was "missing out on things". Music, events, friends, wine and so forth. The truth is, I haven't been able to even talk myself into it-I haven't missed out on anything. I have amazing friends, have seen great music, had so much fun with my husband and even had a little wine---although the biscuit REALLY loves to sip daddy's beer--it just smells yummy right now--just a sip. My life has been only better for this.
I have noticed that my writing has taken a turn, I am surprisingly more tolerant. I have found that although I start to bitch about something, instead of going to write about it, I go mess around in the babies room or sew little pants. Have I gone soft ??? I don't think so --I am just in a very "soft" phase right now as I wait for the arrival. I have faith that soon after the lack of sleep kicks in and some midnight feedings covered in crap, I will be back to my old bitter self and ready to get back to business. There are still so many ridiculous things that I need to talk about, so many of my opinions that I think people need to hear. So, give me a few minutes to gather myself and spend some time with my new're gonna get it !!
With the exception of a couple of outfits I want to dress the biscuit in, I don't have anything planned. I have no idea what life will be like. I haven't thought about the routine, the first time I will go to the store by myself kid in tow, how I am going to ever get my nails painted or if I will ever make the bed again. That's probably my biggest concern--how dirty will the house get , will it smell like diapers and will I know it smells like diapers ??? Someone please tell me if the house , or me for that matter, starts to smell of poo.
We have a couple of names, but we aren't really sold on a girl's name yet. I swear if they would let me leave with a certificate that let me fill it in later, I would do it. I don't really know what I want to call it for sure. What if I pick a name and then hate it later ? What if I pick a name just to meet some jackass with the same name and now it makes me angry ? I am leaning towards "Biscuit" --I think the baby is used to that by now anyway. Kids also don't come to you really knowing any thing --you have to "teach" them --WHAT ????!!!!!!! ---I'm gonna have to show this kid how to "Google" and FAST. Google is awesome--it is a huge reason why I am so smart and well-read.
All in all this is hands down the most amazing experience of my life. I highly recommend it and hope that my old ass holds up long enough to do it one more time. I really tried to talk myself into feeling like I was "missing out on things". Music, events, friends, wine and so forth. The truth is, I haven't been able to even talk myself into it-I haven't missed out on anything. I have amazing friends, have seen great music, had so much fun with my husband and even had a little wine---although the biscuit REALLY loves to sip daddy's beer--it just smells yummy right now--just a sip. My life has been only better for this.
I have noticed that my writing has taken a turn, I am surprisingly more tolerant. I have found that although I start to bitch about something, instead of going to write about it, I go mess around in the babies room or sew little pants. Have I gone soft ??? I don't think so --I am just in a very "soft" phase right now as I wait for the arrival. I have faith that soon after the lack of sleep kicks in and some midnight feedings covered in crap, I will be back to my old bitter self and ready to get back to business. There are still so many ridiculous things that I need to talk about, so many of my opinions that I think people need to hear. So, give me a few minutes to gather myself and spend some time with my new're gonna get it !!
Looking forward to hearing some great news on Tuesday, be sure to let Jill or I know! - Todd