Tea baggin' and other party games
As much as I try to comprehend the new Tea Party or other so called conservatives and their agenda- I can't seem to get a handle on what they will do that will be so beneficial to our country. All that seems to come across is name calling and the demand for God to be brought back into the Pledge of Allegiance to instill the Christian values of our forefathers. ( Please research the actual introduction of the Pledge of Allegiance and when the word "God" was added). They seem to be trying to create a movement and using the Constitution to give validity to their conservative message. That's right--let's go back 200 years ---that will make it all better.
The Constitution was written to establish guidelines for a much smaller and less evolved nation. It was in fact put in place to limit Government control and provide boundaries and laws, so I appreciate the modern people wanting to continue that mantra, but as it was over 200 years ago --should we not take that into consideration since there are little more than a handful of amendments since the 50's?
It was written years before all men were in fact treated equal and almost a century before women were even remotely considered as an equal. I mean slavery was abolished and women eventually got the right to vote--but seriously ---equality ???
Right to bear arms meant a gun that you had to pour powder and pellets into. I am not saying that you should not have a right to bear arms, BUT I do wish that people would put down the Milwaukee's Best for a minute and acknowledge that we are in fact in a different day and age and restrictions on firearms may in fact save lives. Do you really think that if our forefathers lived in 2010 that to preserve this beautiful nation they created they would say " yes--everyone has the right to carry a machine gun in their car--that will insure peace and safety of all. ---Woooo Hoooo ( insert random gunshots in the air) !"
****Side note--is it me, or does it seem like an Oxymoron of the extreme to scream Pro life and Pro gun in the same campaign message--just sayin'****
Our country was founded on religious freedom. While it may have been nothing but old white men when it was written, if we uphold that right, then we have to acknowledge the right of anyone and everyone to worship and assemble----even if their beliefs are different--they have equal value and rights. You can't say "freedom of religion as long as it is similar to what I think and doesn't make me uncomfortable-----oh, and as long as they are white Americans."
My point is--while we have a cornerstone on which our country was founded, this is not the original 13 states and we must evolve. It is counter productive to our future to fight simply based on a party affiliation or to constantly spew false piety and simply shout the word "CONSTITUTION!!!!!" like that makes you a better American than anyone else.
We all have a right to our opinions and beliefs, but I for one am NOT up for Tea Baggin'.
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