Stop Cock Blockin' my HAPPY MEAL !!!!

     The latest round of debates over the kid's meals at fast food restaurants has got to be the cherry on this B*$l Sh*@ sundae ! Where is the accountability ??? Where are the boundaries ?? What the hell is the matter with you people ???

     A toy is NOT making your kid fat !!!!! Eating A LOT of fast food , eating crap at home and sitting on their butt is making your kid and this nation unhealthy. It is our responsibility to make quality decisions for our children and teach them how to do the same thing.

     We have become a nation of "I want it now" and "how can I get something for nothing". This also has created a culture of "it's not my fault, I have a "condition" ".  We want everything yesterday and we don't want to work for it or take ownership of our contribution to the situation. Pills, lap band, diets...every thing but healthy food and exercise to achieve the desired end result.

    The other day there was a story about obesity. There was a study done on the effect of obese friends on obese people. The lead into the story actually hinted at your weight not being your fault, but associating with obese people. WHAT ???????   I am sure birds of a feather etc has some influence, however what I am MOST clear about is that all the food you eat and lack of exercise is why you are obese --it is not your friends, a toy or a clown that is forcing you to be unhealthy.

     If you want to know why your kid is obese, look in the mirror then ask yourself "what kind of example am I setting and are my kids active?"  Our kids do nothing but sit on computers which makes them socially retarded and large. Some folks say " it is not safe out there anymore, so I don't want my kids playing outside by themselves." Ok--so get up off the couch and go sit outside with your kids !!!

     There are a lot of temptations and bad food is every where, that is true. I look at school lunches and wonder how our kids are supposed to maintain brain cells with all the processed crap, but we all have choices to make. Many people grew up with the same types of temptations and yet understood that the foods in question are occasional treats and not a daily occurrence. Fast food french fries look the same 6 months later on the floor board of your car--doesn't sound like a good thing to eat to begin with ...BUT if you choose to do so, eating it once in a while isn't going to kill you---key phrase--"once in a while".

     I grew up with Happy Meals, as an adult I will still get them occasionally as a way to eat a small amount or yes, for a frickin cool toy.A toy is not going to make your kid eat crap--walking in to the restaurant too darn much is. Take ownership , be a good role model and leave my damn Happy Meal alone  !!!



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