Loud commercials no more !!!
Thank goodness someone is FINALLY doing something! The Pres should sign the CALM bill giving us refuge from the invasive sounds of advertisers. We are free to enjoy America's past time----not baseball, TV.
I am a couch potato. There, I said it. Does that make me a bad person..........I don't care. I am halfway through my life and finally am at peace with who I am . I know that I should be reading, exercising, meditating...basically anything but watching TV, but I love it.
I have tried to be different. For the last 13 years ( until last April) I traveled for work and when in town ,worked from home. I tried to work to music, be cool, but instead I would watch the news until it turned to soap operas and then I would promptly search for the cop shows that respectfully filled the cable networks from 1:00 on. You can always find a good Law & Order. Right now, Biscuit is asleep to my left on the couch and a recorded episode of Ghost Hunters is playing in the background. I am not watching it, but I have to have it on.
Maybe it is because I was a latch key kid early on. In second grade my mom would leave for a 1 hour commute to work and I would get myself ready for school. I would be alone until she got home about 6 or so. The TV kept me company. To this day when Mom comes over she will comment about how the TV is always on........."thanks to you" I am tempted to say----I needed noise for a comfort at that age.
But, I digress----to the point. I love TV and I am mad as hell about something that is making me rage against my favorite vice.
How was this legal ? How did these companies manipulate the networks into letting them invade our private space? I was willing to do whatever it took to make my point. I am tired , I am beyond annoyed and yes, I am PISSED. So--as of Dec 2nd a bill passed that would prevent advertisers from being louder than the show we are watching, but what about the last few years ? I ran through a lot of batteries constantly turning the TV down and up and muting the darn thing. I am happy that change is on the horizon but if the President doesn't sign it, I will be back to start a revolution!!!
In the meantime, back to all those batteries--someone owes me some money !!
I am a couch potato. There, I said it. Does that make me a bad person..........I don't care. I am halfway through my life and finally am at peace with who I am . I know that I should be reading, exercising, meditating...basically anything but watching TV, but I love it.
I have tried to be different. For the last 13 years ( until last April) I traveled for work and when in town ,worked from home. I tried to work to music, be cool, but instead I would watch the news until it turned to soap operas and then I would promptly search for the cop shows that respectfully filled the cable networks from 1:00 on. You can always find a good Law & Order. Right now, Biscuit is asleep to my left on the couch and a recorded episode of Ghost Hunters is playing in the background. I am not watching it, but I have to have it on.
Maybe it is because I was a latch key kid early on. In second grade my mom would leave for a 1 hour commute to work and I would get myself ready for school. I would be alone until she got home about 6 or so. The TV kept me company. To this day when Mom comes over she will comment about how the TV is always on........."thanks to you" I am tempted to say----I needed noise for a comfort at that age.
But, I digress----to the point. I love TV and I am mad as hell about something that is making me rage against my favorite vice.
COMMERCIALS!!!!!! Who the hell thinks it is acceptable for the commercials to be twice as loud as my show ???
There I am on a Saturday afternoon trying to nap when it goes to commercial---I snap awake --ANGRY!!! Am I now tempted to watch the commercial and buy a FORD?? NO!!! I'm pissed !! Back to snoozing just to be jostled again by Fabreeze. Do I ignore my irritation and check my couch for freshness? NO!!! I'm pissed !!.How was this legal ? How did these companies manipulate the networks into letting them invade our private space? I was willing to do whatever it took to make my point. I am tired , I am beyond annoyed and yes, I am PISSED. So--as of Dec 2nd a bill passed that would prevent advertisers from being louder than the show we are watching, but what about the last few years ? I ran through a lot of batteries constantly turning the TV down and up and muting the darn thing. I am happy that change is on the horizon but if the President doesn't sign it, I will be back to start a revolution!!!
In the meantime, back to all those batteries--someone owes me some money !!
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