Hey Walmart --how about some handi-capable parking ??

I went to Walmart today--a task I would not mention if I didn't have too--I don't like to go. It is depressing, bland and usually they don't have what I need. Today --it fit into my route. As I exited my car, I couldn't help but be struck by how far away I had to park. It was not just because they were so busy, but because anyone with proper use of their legs can not get within a country mile.
Now--I am not prejudice against anyone with any type of disability and certainly believe that if you need to be close to a door, you should have first dibs. My specific interest in this lies within the fact that Walmart has no less than 25 -30 handicapped spots ( do they still call them "handicapped" ?) at this particular location. Every single spot was filled --WHAT ???? OK--that could be impressive or a coincidence. But, as I watched people come and go, the only handicap or disability I could put my finger on was "obesity" and "unable to drive anything smaller than a SUV or truck". Since when was "large" a disability --a restriction to be sure--but an actual disability???!!!  If they are too fat to walk long distances, aren't they the ones that should be walking from the back of the parking lot ?Maybe there should be a disabled section in the front and a "Fat" section in the back........with an emergency paramedic on staff and back up Rascals or Hoverounds on hand. I think that makes more sense.
Once more--I did not see one "Expectant Mom' spot--what the hell?  I never used the expectant mom spots myself, because I did not need them and wanted the exercise. I am not begrudging moms that do--It was just not a necessity for me. What I DO want to point out is that the moms with kids need some special spots--talk about carrying some extra weight--YOU try carrying a car seat, purse, diaper bag and haul your ass across a parking lot in the winter or heat of a midwest summer. I bet a lot of other moms would appreciate a hand or two getting into your establishment to spend some $. 
I gripe an awful lot about what a lazy society I think we are and to me, this is just proof of that point.
I am screaming out to all retailers to try and give consumers what they need---at the very least stop making healthy folks feel like a minority--I might feel to tired to walk sometimes too. 


  1. I completely agree... and the way their handicapped spots are designed now, they take up so much room! I have to admit, I was taking the 2.5 year old to swimming lessons at the "Y." We were running late. Their parking lot is horrendous and the time of day, 9 am on a Saturday, is popular for the work-out crowd. THey had an "expectant mom" spot and I took it. We were late, I had a bunch of crap to lug around with the 2.5 year old and my sciatica... and even with that spot it's in BFE. I wonder why all parking lots are designed like this nowadays?

  2. Ya know what I think???? Just keep using those Exp. Mom spaces--as far as I'm concerned you "expect" them to make it easy for you to be there or you "expect" to get all the kiddos in there in one piece without crossing a football field.


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