Mr Obama-a little less talky and a little more worky please...

although as I write that , I direct it at every one that was sitting in that room last night. I am one of many, I  am sure, that is tired of the President getting soft and want him to kick some ass and take some names. The dilemma is that as soon as he does that, he will be heavily criticized in some form or another. That said, all the current criticisms could just have easily been said about any other President. Our deficits are not getting any smaller and it doesn't show any sign of improving. The economy sucks, we are still at war and everyone is blaming everyone else. ALL I see are a bunch of mouths flappin' about how they are listening to the American citizens and are in Washington to make sure Americans are heard.
 I would argue that most of the politicians are ONLY there for their own agendas. By the way-- not all citizens know what is best for our country either and frankly SHOULD NOT be heard.......I'm just sayin.
        Here's the breakdown as I see it.   

1. Unemployment- yes the AVERAGE is at 9%--that sucks. But not all states are at 9% and some have been at about the same for years -- you can't squeeze blood from a turnip. If you truly look at our country and what happened , MANY jobs are gone because we over did it, period. Car companies went under because they created flashy high priced cars that no one needs and few could afford, Vegas has one of the highest unemployment rates now--do you not think that makes a little sense ? We can't afford to go to Vegas any more. Mergers and buy outs, changes in industry--cuts in spending because American people have lived on credit cards and are now broke??? Some jobs are just gone--Government can help keep jobs here with incentives, BUT the companies make the choices to give our jobs away--yell at them.

2. Health care- It is overpriced crap. If you don't like the Presidents bill then fix it. No one has fought so hard to affect something so important as he has so, to all in the House and Senate--just give is something that is truly a value to us as a people. For those that oppose the mandatory insurance ??? Sign a paper stating that you won't ask for my tax dollars and government help if you get sick ---DONE!!! Everybody wants the government out of their business until they need something.

3. Gays in the military--Officials present at the speech who chose to not applaud for don't ask don't tell--shame on you and you look like assholes. Gays have just as much right to get their legs blown off as anyone else. If they want to risk their lives for us, let them and thank them for it !!

4. Taxes---sorry 2%--but do you REALLY need the tax breaks ? You don't think that's fair???
LIFE IS NOT FAIR--it is not supposed to be. "Fair" applies in board games and baseball--in life you do what is right and what is right for the common good. We are in tough times--sh*# has to change. Can't they give up tax breaks for 10 years if it will put more money into school programs and alternative energies so we as a country can compete?? So the future of your company can be secure?

 It is not up to the government to find me a job, save my foreclosed house OR insure my companies success and yet this is the charge we have given them. You can't say we are one big happy melting pot and not embrace immigrants BUT you can't allow illegal immigration while we lose money taking care of their quickly expanding families. These are just a very few small topics. Someone has to make some tough decisions that will advance our country---it's called tough love, not a popularity contest.

I am not in love with Obama any more--I am disappointed. I was really hoping for change--but what I am I really disappointed in ?? The realization that as long as the government-- with it's marketing, mud slinging and Palins running around --will NEVER change, never turn this country around we will be forced to watch battles play out like a WWE match--sans leotards.


  1. ... preachin' to the choir. I may not vote next major election. Of the few things that I actually liked about Obama, he hasn't done anything with them. Sarah Palin scares the bageezus outta me (not because I'm afraid of women in authority but because she just simply gives me the creeps - even though, on paper, she is someone I would vote for - minus just a couple items. Likely the items that I thought Obama would change).

    Politics suck. Frankly, our country is starting to suck if you ask me. I think we are three sneezes away from Marshall Law. I'm thinking about starting a blog dedicated to posting why our country is going to hell in a handbasket. I've actually gotten so cynical lately that I think 9/11 was an inside job done by our own government but the problem is that I can't come up with a good reason as to why because we've been falling apart ever since.

    Wanna pick up and move to some non-sucky country with me?


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