Priorities, they are a changin'

This week Biscuit is 20 weeks old--also known as 5 months. It honestly feels as if I have been in a whirlwind, trying to remember to brush my teeth and dreaming of a schedule that will allow me to write once a week, twice a week--anything really. I dreamed of getting to the gym, long baths, volunteer work and maybe even an art project. The reality is that shaving my legs is as luxurious as I get. As time goes on , I get more comfortable and it does get easier. I certainly don't want to come across like I have it harder than anyone else--on the contrary--I am sure my kiddo is easier than most and I am a bit lazier than some--but I digress. The point is that while I spent days on end trying to figure out how to find time for myself,  I realized that this IS my most important time. It's not that this blog isn't important to me--I still am upset that I haven't posted in over a month --I have soooo many ideas--but I witness a miracle every day.

 How spectacular is that??!!!!

Each and every day for the last 140 days I have watched a human being drink in all that she could to try and understand this world she was thrust into. Everything from familiarity with the people that keep feeding her and giving her snuggles to discovering the art of raspberries--she is getting very good at these. She changes every day and learns every second and I get to be a part of that. I am immeasurably honored and blessed.

 I regret that I need at least 8 hours of sleep a night as I think that really cuts into my "me" time--BUT I am getting better at trying to stake out a piece of time for my goals and I foresee more writing in my future. I hope to get into a more regimented rant. In the mean time, I will continue to enjoy this amazing time of my life and strive to serve up some interesting bits.


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