Weiner is a dick!!!

OK--All I can say is "Seriously--where are the people who have a brain bigger than their left nut that are supposed to be supporting our country and running our Government???!!!" Who the HELL sends a pic of their gentleman sausage over the internet when they have a high profile job ? Who the hell but a 15 year old testosterone rocket does it on Twitter for Pete's sake ???!!!


First Chris Lee puts his dumb ass on Craigs list ( and he IS a Republican for those that are blaming this type of behavior on the Liberals). Then there is Arnold and his 10 year old secret that lived in their house. There is no way that you could have ever convinced me that he was a good idea--and that just proved my point. That's just another dose of what we get when we elect someone based on the idea of what we think he is.........and the fact that we are too deep in reality TV and, at the time, Terminator movies to actually research candidates.

Finally--Weiner. I got nothing. I mean--enough said......you tweeted your coin purse and actually thought that no one would know. You even had "weiner" in the tweet name. You tweeted Weiner's weiner !!!

You may say that he is only human --well--not many humans I know splat their bits all over social media. I am here to tell you that someone we are relying on to have our best interest as a country at heart, and that expects to be respected should show restraint. You signed up for the job , Weiner. If you wanted to post your pole on FB or tweet your twig, you shoulda become an accountant.

Weiner---Step down !!! Huma--run as fast as you can. He is a liar--in Govenrment we can expect that, but a dumbass that big we can NOT afford.


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