Top Ten Reasons Perry should go home.....
OK--so I am not clever enough to whip those out yet this morning....
As I watched Rick Perry recite the Top 10 on Letterman--I am just sad. Don't waste your time Mr. Perry--you are taking jobs away from hard working comedians. Your time would be better spent studying or even better--go back to door to door sales--it suits your quick wit and smooth delivery . Why is he even here?? Do we really need another good old boy yelling " I love God, hate abortions and YAY Texas !". I mean --I love Texas, but that is not the foundation of the US of A. Speaking of the foundation of our country, it was founded on religious freedoms and the equality of man. You have heard me say this a million times so I will say it a million and 1. We were a country that did NOT recognize blacks as equal--they were property and even when they were given freedom, they could be free to drink from their own water fountain and stay out of whities water fountain. Women did not have the right to vote and apparently still don't own their own bodies, struggle with equal pay for equal work and did I just hear right.......may have to wear skirts to box ??? WTF ?? We need to take that foundation and show that we have evolved.
Whether it be MB, RP, NG ,MR--I don't care which candidate it is--I have had it with us buying into their empty rants about America, the Constitution or our Founding Fathers. I am tired of the "good old boy" mentality. We are dumbing down our future. Our founding fathers would not have supported and were not trying to create a stagnant country. I want a candidate in every office, NOT just the Presidency, that can see beyond coal and oil, beyond resting the majority of your campaign on abortion and focus on elimination of the monopolies on tax, insurance and now retirement benefits of large companies and government. Focus on how we can truly grow as a nation. I don't need you to be my moral compass and talk about going to church. If you have our best interests at heart and do the right things , I will believe you are a good person--probably a religious individual. Besides, there are plenty of people I know that go to church regularly that I wouldn't let watch my purse when I went to the bathroom let alone that I want heading up my government.
As for a comfortable public speaker--it may seem small, but yes, you SHOULD be able to handle yourself when speaking publically. We have had enough embarrassment with our previous leader not being able to respectfully communicate to our country let alone the world, I would say it is important.
Please , AMERICA, pay attention. Stop getting so wrapped up in the mud slinging that we don't notice they have no ability to do anything else. The situation we are in will not disappear in one term or 3 terms--it is about us-not their campaign slogans.
I need another cup of coffee................
As I watched Rick Perry recite the Top 10 on Letterman--I am just sad. Don't waste your time Mr. Perry--you are taking jobs away from hard working comedians. Your time would be better spent studying or even better--go back to door to door sales--it suits your quick wit and smooth delivery . Why is he even here?? Do we really need another good old boy yelling " I love God, hate abortions and YAY Texas !". I mean --I love Texas, but that is not the foundation of the US of A. Speaking of the foundation of our country, it was founded on religious freedoms and the equality of man. You have heard me say this a million times so I will say it a million and 1. We were a country that did NOT recognize blacks as equal--they were property and even when they were given freedom, they could be free to drink from their own water fountain and stay out of whities water fountain. Women did not have the right to vote and apparently still don't own their own bodies, struggle with equal pay for equal work and did I just hear right.......may have to wear skirts to box ??? WTF ?? We need to take that foundation and show that we have evolved.
Whether it be MB, RP, NG ,MR--I don't care which candidate it is--I have had it with us buying into their empty rants about America, the Constitution or our Founding Fathers. I am tired of the "good old boy" mentality. We are dumbing down our future. Our founding fathers would not have supported and were not trying to create a stagnant country. I want a candidate in every office, NOT just the Presidency, that can see beyond coal and oil, beyond resting the majority of your campaign on abortion and focus on elimination of the monopolies on tax, insurance and now retirement benefits of large companies and government. Focus on how we can truly grow as a nation. I don't need you to be my moral compass and talk about going to church. If you have our best interests at heart and do the right things , I will believe you are a good person--probably a religious individual. Besides, there are plenty of people I know that go to church regularly that I wouldn't let watch my purse when I went to the bathroom let alone that I want heading up my government.
As for a comfortable public speaker--it may seem small, but yes, you SHOULD be able to handle yourself when speaking publically. We have had enough embarrassment with our previous leader not being able to respectfully communicate to our country let alone the world, I would say it is important.
Please , AMERICA, pay attention. Stop getting so wrapped up in the mud slinging that we don't notice they have no ability to do anything else. The situation we are in will not disappear in one term or 3 terms--it is about us-not their campaign slogans.
I need another cup of coffee................
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