Shame on you Michelle Preston !!

We in the Kansas City area have no shortage of reprehensible crimes--just like any other major city in the U.S. Have we all become so numb to it that we have a new level of tolerance? In October 2011 it came to light that 28 year old third year psychology teacher ( hellooo) , Michelle Preston had sexual relations with 3 of her male students. Well, she only had sex (lots of times) with 2 of them, the third boy just got to cop a feel. This week she has pleaded guilty, will receive probation and will be put on the sexual offenders list. PROBATION --
are you serious ????? Her lawyer, Scott Toth claims she has admitted that what she did is wrong and now has a newborn to take care of so she just wants to go on with her life. Do you think she got pregnant at a convenient time?? I do. Do you think it may have a 17 year old father?? Thousands of people are wondering the same thing. Prosecutor Steve Howe believes that not only is this an acceptable punishment, but that if she had been a man, she would have received the same punishment. To that I have 2 things to say 1. Not close to an election he wouldn't have and 2. B*$%SHI!.
Not only is it incredibly disgusting to say that you would excuse a 28 year old male teacher for having sexual relationships with students, but if I were in Johnson County, I would seriously be calling for his removal if that is the level of safety he has for your children. The defense is that the "victims" were over the age of consent being 17 & 18--but they were STUDENTS!!! This person is a TEACHER. She sought them out on Facebook ( that damn Facebook), struck up relationships, had sex in her basement and sent them naked pictures of herself. She is a predator. Men may think this is ok because it is such a cliche for them to have a crush on a teacher ( cue Van Halen video), but it doesn't mean that is is actually OK. I can't believe that we are really supporting that youngsters that are not old enough to drink and are still in High school are not a victim in this. We are completely OK with a mentor to our children luring them into activity that could procreate ( hello she has a newborn),possibly give them a disease that takes their life or at the very least a very pesky case of herpes. Come on people !!! In the grand scheme of sexual predators, she may not have the scariest of masks, but I am begging you--give her the punishment she deserves. She committed to being a leader to our youth and she blatantly went after naive boys. If you still question my view--I can only ask you this. Whether you are a woman or a man, ask yourself what you would do if you found out a 28 year old teacher at your DAUGHTER'S high school had brought her down to his basement numerous times for sex and sent her naked texts.........would you still feel it was "not that big of a deal" ?


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  2. Well, I believe that there isnt much to add but to reiterate the fact that M. Preston shouldnt get off with a stupid probation and a mandatory registration as a sex offender. Ewww. big deal she already cant teach anymore. Shes thinking as long as I can stay out of prison I'm cool. Shes a loser and as long as she can stay out of a cell she doesnt care. I pretty much know that the only reason why she drove her car off a bridge (psycho) was the thought of getting put away. All the counselling she received later was just a hey you can stay out of prison, they arnt REALLY gonna but a woman and a NEW mother in prison. They may just be RIGHT. Her lawyer was sure trying to paint that canvass. Lets let her move on guys he said she has her family now lets just forget it..she said she was horny..I mean What else do you people what here. lol. i love lawyers they are full of it. Here Kansas is suppose to be ready to flex their muscles on crimes like this now. Tough new laws with spineless people at the controls. Ouch hurts to say and hear but prove me wrong with at least the min 32 months, but if you want to make me happy give her 13 years she earned it.


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