When will all discrimination be hip
Let's be very clear--racism is NOT the only issue we need to address. ALL issues of discrimination are of equal importance. Gender, sexual preference AND race all require attention. Women and the LGBT community seem to be acceptable targets with very few outspoken advocates--where is our Al Sharpton? Not that I think he is helping the "cause" to be honest.I personally think he serves himself and not the people but that is a topic for another time.
Women have to fight at every election to remind the nation that white OR black OR hispanic OR any race of politician SHOULD NOT have control of our bodies nor should they be able to decide with whom we choose to spend our life and insurance benefits. Women and children are sold into slavery in the US every day. Approximately 100,000 children are sold into the sex trade either in prostituition or pornography every year. Average age is 12-13 and 11-13 for boys or LGBT youth. Can someone explain why these issues are not on the forefront?
Yes, we as a nation need to grow and work towards a time when IF--God forbid--a white cop shoots a black man OR when a black cop shoots a white man we know that it is because he didn't think he had any other choice and had nothing to do with skin color. I have many opinions and thoughts on how we are handling that situation --but I will save that for another time.
My point here is that discrimination is not one races' burden to bear nor does one type take precedence over another. There are more people that are working towards elminating racism than not. It is not just one sides burden to eliminate the hate--we all must "live it and breathe it" so our children only know equality.
I don't want to feel scrutinized as a white person any more than a black person does--I just want to be a human being. A women in a world with freedoms, full control of my own body, freedom from others imposing religious beliefs and disguising them as constitutional laws, where race is a non-issue and a government full of officials that don't make more money than the median income in the districts in which they serve. Well, one thing at a time.
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