Women revolt !!!

I am so outraged by the lack of respect for human life. These abortion bills are barbaric, misogynistic and cruel.
Supporters are willfully ignorant, prejudice and addicted to the control men have over the elected leadership in this country.
Alabama, you are a disgusting, old, white man pig of a state.

1. It's not your body or your fetus- You have NO concern for the life of the person that is pregnant. Just by being a woman, you automatically treat her as a thing instead of a human being. You are not privy to her physical, mental or emotional well being. You do not know if this pregnancy is welcome or a potential devastation to those involved. You have no idea and clearly no concern as to how this egg came to be fertilized. Who the hell do you think you are ?

2. You are forcing babies to have babies. That's INSANE !!!! No child should be forced to carry a baby to term. Government limits military to 18 or older. Representatives are enforcing laws that prevent those under 21 from being able to get nicotine but you think they are capable of raising a child? What the hell is the matter with you?

3. It is NOT A BABY!! - The earliest a fetus can survive outside the womb is 22 weeks and it is still extremely underdeveloped. When I was only a couple months pregnant I did say "I have a baby in my belly" but that's because I WANTED to be pregnant and let it grow into a human being capable of surviving outside my body...MY BODY!!! Do you understand that it also needs lungs and a brain, some other really important organs and parts? Research, empathize, seek to understand then to be understood. Plus...I GUARANTEE more people have made that choice than you know. Including but not limited to your elected representatives and some of your fellow hypocritical church goers. And thank God they had the right of free will and safe medical practices. Your God cares about the children that are living...do you?

4. Why do you have such strong feelings about my body but no concern for the children once they're born? What about medical costs, costs of childcare, the fathers role, that child's education.That a girl child should be able to grow up with the same rights and opportunities of the male children. Man or woman, you are denying my rights, my worth and my intelligence. Children are beaten, trafficked , raped, starving, have parents that are addicts and some are homeless. Where is your concern? Prove it to me. Your body is my business. Where do you show your compassion and support for mankind?

5. Why not outlaw Viagra? Introduce a bill for mandatory vasectomies-they're reversible. Make it illegal for a man to get her pregnant if she doesn't want to be pregnant. If she is forced to carry a baby to term, then force the father to raise it alone once it is born.Force the woman to name the father and put his face on a billboard. If he is caught causing more than one unplanned pregnancy he should forfeit his balls. Zero tolerance. These all sound rational, don't they?

I've said it a million times and I'll say it a million more. The topic of abortion is nothing but a vehicle for white government to grab the evangelists, closed-minded christians and under-educated to follow them blindly into government over-reach.

If you support this bill or any other movement remotely close to it, you are lying to yourself. YOU ARE LYING TO YOURSELF!!! You ARE NOT doing God's work. You have no concern for mankind. You have no respect for women. You have NO RESPECT for life. NONE.


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